“Why do most individuals make use of only a small percentage of their resources, whereas a few exceptional individuals push themselves to their limits? Why do some individuals accomplish more than others of equal intelligence? One personal quality that is shared by most high achieving and successful people is grit. Grit may be the […]
The pandemic has changed how children learn. For very good reasons on-line learning has become a ‘thing’. Most students have experienced some form of on-line learning – some for the first time. Many teachers have had to create on-line and in-class lessons. Parents have become more involved and engaged in children’s’ learning. It has all
Parents have asked me many questions during my teaching career. Questions about their child’ progress or lack of it. Questions about the school system. Questions about learning and behavioral issues they are trying to handle. All good questions. Here are some of the questions I have been asked and the answers that go with them.
No one knows how many children are underachieving but it is estimated that more than 25% of students could do better! That is a large number of students who are not reaching their learning potential. Underachievement can lead to children seeing themselves as failures and placing self-imposed limits on what they can achieve in
There are many ways to change the world. You might become president of the USA, run a successful socially minded business, save the whales. To change the world you don’t need power and influence. You need to defeat ignorance. One charity defeats ignorance by using the most powerful change agent there is – woman. It