Hi my name is
Dr. Patricia Porter
I trained in the early ’60s (yes, I am that old!) and taught a variety of classes in the UK and Canada. I loved teaching but I had one question that no one seemed able to answer.
Why did some kids learn more easily than others?
I knew it wasn’t so called ‘intelligence’ that made the difference because I worked with bright kids who were struggling to learn.
So what was the answer?
It took me years of specialist training, personal research and help from parents to find the answer.
And it was so simple and profound that it changed my life. And it can change yours too.
I discovered that students who were good learners knew HOW to learn. They had developed the skills that made learning easy.
The next part of the question was who had helped them develop those skills?
I knew that it wasn’t teachers. They are too busy getting through the curriculum to spend much time on skill development.
That left parents. It was parents who had given their children skills that enabled them to succeed in school.
So far so good.
Then came the third and possibly most important part of my question. How had parents done this?
It took me seven years of research to figure this out.
They set the scene for learning. They had prepared children to benefit from their schooling and they had done this easily and simply.
But not all parents knew how to do this, so, after retiring from the classroom, I decided to help parents know how to set the scene for learning.
After several false starts I have created The Porter Process. This unique process provides you with the information and advice that takes not only takes the stress out of helping your child learn but also gives you the key to your child’s success.
What parents are saying
“We felt lost. We wanted to help our daughter but we felt unable to give her the right support. Her teachers were frustrated too. We didn’t want to wait until she had fallen out of love with school to take action. Thanks to you we’ve made practical change at home and school and she is feeling much less misunderstood and the teacher less frustrated! Homework time has been cut in half!”
"What I am most amazed by is what you were able to tell from the assessments. I am fascinated by this and how accurate your ‘picture’ of him is. I rarely have the opportunity to learn about his strengths. You gave me a lot of useful information in a quick, easy to read, helpful format. We have completed goal #1 and are already working on goal #2!"
“I can’t recommend Patricia highly enough. Once you know how your child’s brain is wired you won’t spend their school year in the dark, not knowing how to support your child. Understanding how your child learns is such vital information. It is hard to put a price on it. You can say goodbye to homework struggles and surly kids who don’t know why they aren’t succeeding in school.”
“I really, really, like the core learning skills in step two because it’s like your secret weapon. That’s the reason your child isn’t learning no matter how much money you spend or how many tutors you hire. Until you identify the core learning issues nothing changes. But once you identified it everything became possible! It’s like the secret key that opens the door to the future, and only you Patricia can help parents find it. What an amazing program.”
“Our child quickly becomes distracted and fidgety and is easily discouraged. It would be nice to sit down, focus on a task and complete homework with the feeling that we actually helped him. We didn’t know how to make that happen. Since taking your course we are much more aware of our son’s learning needs and the ways we can support him. Homework is a breeze and we all feel good.”