Welcome to Leading to Learning where you will find information and advice on how to make a difference in your child’s learning life.

Discover your child’s path to successDo you lose sleep worrying about your child’s schooling?Are you stressed and exhausted trying to help with schoolwork night after night?Are you frustrated that nothing you do seems to help?Is your child missing vital opportunities to learn?STOP guessing what type of support your child needsSTART discovering how to make a difference in your child’s learning life.

Dr. Patricia Porter

Parental Support Assessment

Are you doing all you can to help your child succeed in school?Take this quiz and find out!

Seedpod Kid Assessment

​Discover the type of support your child needs and watch your child blossom!

The kids who succeed are those who are ready to learn.  They are the ones who come to school full of curiosity, able to listen, willing to try something new.

Have you ever wondered if you were giving your child the right kind of support? Support that would make a difference in your child’s learning life?

Yes, the Porter Process really works.These are true stories of how the Porter Process has changed children and parent’s lives life for the better.

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