work with the school

Summer is here and the lessons that had been set by teachers, either in class or on line, are no longer part of your child’s life.  Children are no longer expected to learn and complete schoolwork.   The long weeks of the summer break beckon. Not having to learn new things and do new work comes […]

As a teacher of students who were struggling to learn I had one question. Why do some children learn more easily than others? I knew that it had nothing to do with a child’s intelligence because some of the slow learners I worked with were very bright –  just not ‘school bright’.  By ‘school bright’

Hi, I’m Patricia Porter (Dr. Patricia Porter if you want to be formal!).  I was a classroom teacher for over 35 years, both in England and in Canada. I always wanted to be a teacher but I thought that I would go to university to get trained.  That didn’t happen. I had done OK in

I have used the Porter Process with many parents and everyone has been delighted with the results. But some parents are unsure about using the process.  They have two main concerns.  I’d like to address these so that you don’t miss out on the opportunity to use this process. A few parents either think the

Yes, the Porter Process really works. Have a look at these are true stories of how the Porter Process has changed children and parent’s lives life for the better. Names have been changed, outcomes haven’t! Joanne and her daughter Joanne was desperate.  She was sobbing into the phone.  As she calmed down she was able

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