
Patricia’s 6 year old son was lively and had many friends but he didn’t like school.  Each morning he hated having to get ready for school.   Patricia checked for the usual suspects – was he being bullied? – did he dislike his teacher? – was he lazy? – but nothing seemed to fit the bill. […]

I hear it all the time – “He just won’t listen to me” “I have to spend hours helping with homework, I am exhausted” “I have to show my child what to do.  What are teachers doing?” “I have tried everything but nothing seems to work” “Some of the assignments just don’t make sense” “I

Parents have asked me many questions during my teaching career. Questions about their child’ progress or lack of it.  Questions about the school system.  Questions about learning and behavioral issues they are trying to handle. All good questions. Here are some of the questions I have been asked and the answers that go with them. 

Starting something, anything, is hard. How often have you hit the snooze button so you could put off starting your day for a few more minutes? It is easier to procrastinate than to start a task. Covid-19 restrictions are creating a world where everyone lacks the energy and enthusiasm they need to get work done.

Times have changed.  It used to be that it was just homework that made you stressed.  Now there is so much more home learning  that can lead to increased stress and burn out. Don’t let it happen. There are ways you can reduce, maybe even eliminate, the stress caused by children learning at home. Here

Ask the right question Asking questions is an overlooked and underrated way to help children learn.  Asking good questions takes thought and time but it is a skill well worth practicing. Asking the right questions can help your children develop foundational learning skills, especially those of language and curiosity. Good questions can also help develop

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