How to cope with school closures


Special times need special measures!

Is your child’s school closed because of fears of spreading COVID 19?  Are you looking at a protracted time when your child will be at home missing out on schooling?

Don’t worry.  Here are a few things you can do to make sure that your child continues to learn during these difficult times.

  1. Check with your child’s school

Your child may not be in school but many teachers are.  They are preparing material that your child can use while he or she is at home.  Maybe some of those schools can send you worksheets, book titles, even workbooks that your child can access and use at home.

If not I have other suggestions below.

  1. Video games

No school and no going out! What a perfect time to play video games all day long.  I know that while your child might want this to happen you don’t.  But there is no way you are going to stop your child playing games by nagging him or her.  You have to take a different approach.

Most children accept that they have to do some schoolwork even if they don’t want to.  So try mixing school type activities among game playing activities.  As a rule, I don’t like bribing kids but you may have to use some bribery to wean your child from video games.

How about an hour reading then an hour playing games? Or, an hour long walk or other physical exercise then an hour playing games?  Negotiate this with your child before they get into the habit of playing games all day and give them the means of measuring the time – they need that level of control.

  1. Educational video games

Your child might groan but there are many sites that allow children to play while they learn.  I recommend Googling to find them.

4. Hobbies, old or new

If your child has a hobby now is the time to go to town and let him or her explore ways to get more involved.  Or, it might be time to try a new hobby, something that keeps them safe inside.  How about cooking (be prepared for disasters!), drawing or painting (check out YouTube lessons) or writing a book – their own book!   Make it easier by using the voice to text apps that are on the computer.  Who knows, your child might write a best seller?

  1. Get physical

Exercise is incredibly important to children who are stuck at home.  Make sure that they – and you – get at least one hour of vigorous exercise a day.  Fast walking (alone!), following an exercise program on the computer, shooting baskets are all ways of getting the exercise kids need.

6. Get a library app.

Libraries are closed but that doesn’t mean you can’t get hold of books.  Check out whether your local library has an app that you can use to download books.  In Vancouver the app is Libby and I am sure they have a section for kids.

  1. Find space

This can be difficult in small apartments but everyone needs some personal space during the day.   Set aside time for everyone to go their own way even if it is only to a different room.  Give yourself at least an hour to breath and calm down.

  1. Don’t stress

This last one is hard I know but we will get beyond this.  Life may not return to what it was but your kids will be able to handle that better than you can.  Breathe deeply.  Trust that you can help your kids through this.  Search out mental health support when you need it.


If you can afford it try on-line tutoring.  You might want to check out  They have excellent tutors and an exciting delivery system. One or two hours a week working on line with a tutor will keep your child in ‘learning mode’ so he or she will be ready when schools do start again – and they will!


If you need any support please contact me and we can talk

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