Just for you - Helping Parents, Helping Kids
Check out these easy to use workbooks that show you how to increase your child’s ability to learn. Choose the ones that meet your child’s learning needs.
Reading Series
For parents of children 2 – 5
Do you want to give your child a head start on learning how to read? These fun easy to use workbooks will help you give your child the foundational skills that lead to reading.
Basic phonic awareness to start your child’s reading journey and sets of workbooks that make helping your child learn letter sounds a breeze.
Ready to Read
Basic phonic awareness to start your child’s reading journey and sets of workbooks that make helping your child learn letter sounds a breeze.

Ready to Read - Tips for Parents of Kids 2 - 5
This booklet provides you with the simple practical activities that will help you give your child a head start on reading. You will be ensuring that when your child goes to school – either to kindergarten or straight into Grade 1 – he or she will either be already a reader or well on the way to being one.
Sound Beginnings Workbooks
First Steps in Reading
Help your child learn how letter make words. These fun activities introduce Word Families, the first step in learning to read words.

First Steps in Reading - Tips for Parents of Kids 2 - 5 (Word Families)
Simple proven, fun activities guaranteed to help your child make a start on reading.
Word Families Workbooks
The Porter Process Series
For parents of children 7 – 15
Discover how your child learns best and why he or she may not be reaching their full learning potential. Use these workbooks to make school learning and homework more effective and discover how to help your child develop the foundational learning skills that overcome learning difficulties.
Awaken Motivation
Students who are not motivated to learn or who have had their motivation knocked out of them are reluctant to start on their learning journey.

Awaken Motivation: What Type of Underachiever is Your Child?
A diagnostic assessment of your child’s level of motivation.

Awaken Motivation: Reignite Your Child's Love of Learning
This workbook is about motivation, the first stage in the learning process. This workbook follows the outline of The Porter Process© – a system that helps you get all the motivation and advice you need to help your child succeed in school.
Discover How Your Child Learns Best
Use these workbooks when you want your child to make sense of school and homework assignments.

Discover Your Child's Learning Preferences
The first workbook helps you discover your child’s learning style so that you can choose from the following workbooks that show you how to help your child maximize his or her learning strengths.
Your Child's Learning Preference Workbooks
Uncover Your Child's Learning Skills
Use these workbooks when your child is struggling to learn and needs to overcome learning hurdles to reach his or her full potential.

Uncover Your Child's Learning Skills
The first workbook helps you uncover which of the twelve foundational learning skills your child needs to develop to overcome learning difficulties. Then choose from the other workbooks to learn proven practical ways to help your child develop the skills he or she is missing.
Uncover Your Child's Learning Skills Workbooks

The Porter Process: 5 Steps to Unlock Your Child's Potential from K to Career
Research states that 25% of students underachieve in school. In my experience it is more like 90% who ‘could do better.’ The Porter Process is a way to help all children reach their full learning potential.
The book, for both parents and teachers looking for a better way to help kids learn, is packed with proven, practical, easy-to-use ways to help all children succeed in school and in life.

From Seed Pod Kid to Superstar:
3 Steps That Turn Your Child into a Happy, Successful Student in 60 days or less. No matter how many tutors, books, or teacher talks you’ve tried